

Natural? Well kinda..I mean it beLonged to a horse. ::Moment of SiLence for that Horsey's tail::.....waiit for it! Aiight so yeah, I had PoeTic Justice/Patra/Solange Knowles inspired moment, yes I had knee length thick ass almost dookie braids. But what I will say, is I was living it was refreshing to not look like every chick I see in LA, with waist length weave. I walked in places got double takes, and then compliments. It was an empowering month, I had the chance to be comfortable in a uncomfortable place. Only uncomfortable cuz i mean lets be real I havent had braids since idk late 90's early 2000's so this cud have gone all the way BAD. But thanks to sweet baby Jesus it didnt..I embraced it and had a ball with the questions, the main one being who did your hair?..when I said me, there was an exchange of numbers and calls for braids at a later date. 

I now have short hair..(photos coming soon) and I struggle every day with not putting my braids back in. The convience, the length, the pull of them...wait, what? LOL. All of thee above, iLove and miss them dearly, maybe soon I may have them back and there will be more bLoggin about these wonderful braids. For now, RIP to my Patra, I miss you man!


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